Popup Widget v1.4.0 Apk

Popup Widget v1.4.0 Apk

Popup Widget v1.4.0 Apk
Popup Widget v1.4.0 [Apk]
Popup widget supports two ways to create a shortcut. But the first way does not work on Nova, which has a bug for it. You can still create a shortcut by dragging 1x1 widget named 'Popup widget' from the app drawer on Nova. This is the second way!

Gerekli Android iÅŸletim Sistemi: 2.2+

Ekran Görüntüleri

Popup WidgetPopup Widget

Popup WidgetPopup Widget

Popup WidgetPopup Widget

"Google Play'de Uygulamanın Fiyatı 1,41$ Burdan Ãœcretsiz Ä°ndirebilirsiniz."

Boyut: 167Kb Apk


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